We place Health&Safety as our top priority.

Plant Business Division clarifies that the health and safety of employees and everyone else is an absolute value that cannot
compromise with anything else, and implements the following health and safety policies for creating “An Accident-Free Workplace”

Health&Safety Policy

We recognize that health and safety is an absolute priority for sustainable development.

We fundamentally prevent workplace accidents by applying double or triple safety measures that exceed Occupational Safety and health Act.

We recognize risk in advance and establish safety measures at every single stage.

We ensure a healthy and safe workplace and maintain it all the time.

We get workers involved in the health and safety activities and encourage them to conduct safety initiatives.

Management consistently shows commitment to health and safety and provides resources needed.

We will bring this policy to the attention of our employees, supply chain partners, and relevant interested parties;
and set the health and safety goals and promote them, and through the periodic reviews,
Health&Safety management system should be continuously improved. Plant Business Division CSO Ryoo, Jaeho