Shared Growth Management (Mgt.) Activities
- Compliance with
the Four Major Guidelines of the Fair Trade Commission - Full Application of
the Standard Subcontract Agreement - Improvement of Contract Performance Guarantee System
Compliance with
the Four Major Guidelines of the Fair Trade Commission
the Four Major Guidelines of the Fair Trade Commission
We thoroughly comply with the four major guidelines of the Fair Trade Commission and prohibit any actions disrupting fair trade order including oral order, no written document issuance, unreasonable cancellation of order, trading with other companies, unreasonable reduction of construction amount, payment in substitutes, making cost data public, and outflow of specialized personnel.
Full Application of
the Standard Subcontract Agreement
the Standard Subcontract Agreement
To spread a fair trade culture, we apply the standard subcontracting agreement for the revised recent construction business types and construction materials business types; thus, we enforce the prohibition clauses of unreasonable special clauses and double contract, retaliatory prohibition guidelines, and confidentiality obligation guidelines.
Improvement of Contract Performance Guarantee System
DL E&C converts a contract into a contract performance guarantee document receiving mode after signing a subcontract agreement. This way, we guarantee a sufficient guarantee document issuance period to any partner suppliers and mutually enforce the obligation of issuing the relevant documents faithfully. We have also implemented a system to mitigate the contract implementation guarantee rate to 5% for the partner suppliers meeting a certain standard. This way, we mitigate the partner suppliers’ financial burden by reducing the guarantee commission and guarantee limit and support them in securing additional guarantee competencies.