Members of Audit Committee

Members of Audit Committee
Classification Name Date of Appointment
(Y, M, D)
Independent Director
(Chair of the Committee)
Shin, Jae Yong 2023.03.23 Professor of Business school at Seoul National University
Independent Director In, Soh young 2024.03.21 Professor of Engineering school at KAIST
Independent Director Namgung, Ju Hyun 2024.03.21 Professor of Law school at Sungkyunkwan University

Major Responsibilities of the Audit Committee

The Audit committee is a committee within the board of directors, established to conduct audits in accordance with the relevant laws and the company’s articles of incorporation. The committee supervises the legitimacy of performance of directors and management, examines the validity of financial management and facilitates the selection of external auditors.

External Auditor

Unit: million KRW
External Auditor
Year External Auditor Date of Appointment Audit Service Pay Non-audit Service Pay Auditor’s Opinion
2023 Deloitte Anjin
(contract period 3 years)
1,328 237 Appropriate
2022 Deloitte Anjin
(contract period 3 years)
1,269 40 Appropriate
2021 Deloitte Anjin
(contract period 3 years)
1,178 200 Appropriate

Procedure for Appointing Audit Committee Members

  • 01 Selection of Audit Committee Member Candidate Utilization of internal and external manpower pool
  • 02 Verification of the Audit Committee Member Candidate Verification of legal requirements, professionalism, qualification, and experience
  • 03 Recommendation of Independent Director Candidate Recommendation of an independent director candidate qualified to be an audit committee member
  • 04 Board
    Resolution of agenda regarding recommended candidates for audit committee member
  • 05 General
    Final appointment of the Audit Committee Member
Audit Committee Regulations Download

Audit Committee Activities

Audit Committee Activities List
Session Date of Meeting
(Y, M, D)
Agenda Approval Status
Session 4 2024-08-09No.1 : Approval of non-audit service by external auditor Approved
※ Report on Second Quarter 2024 Internal Audit performance-
※ Report on Second Quarter 2024 Financial performance-
※ Report on process of non-audit service by external auditor-
※ External Auditor Reporting and communication-
Session 3 2024-05-10No.1 : Revision of regulations of Internal Control over Financial Reporting Approved
※ Report on First Quarter 2024 Internal Audit performance-
※ Report on First Quarter 2024 Financial performance-
※ Report on establsiment of guideline for evaluation of Internal Control over Financial Reporting-
※ Report on results of financial inspection of DL E&C and affiliates-
※ External Auditor Reporting and communication-
Session 2 2024-02-28 No.1 : Review of 2023 Accounts settlement Approved
※ Operation status of Internal Control over Financial Reporting in 2023(Re-report) -
※ Operation plan of separate/consolidated Internal Control over Financial Reporting in 2024 -
※ External Auditor Reporting and communication -
Session 1 2024-02-14 No.1 : Approval of 2024 Internal Audit Plan Approved
※ 2024 Audit Committee Meeting Plan -
※ Report on 2023 Internal Audit performance -
※ Report on operation status of separate/consolidated Internal Control over Financial Reporting in 2023 -
Session 7 2023-12-14 No.1 : Appointment of external auditor Approved
Session 6 2023-11-08 ※ Report on Third Quarter 2023 Internal audit performance -
※ Report on Third Quarter 2023 Financial performance -
※ External auditor appointment plan in 2024 -
※ External Auditor Reporting and communication -
Session 5 2023-09-27 ※ Interim operation results of the consolidated Internal Control over Financial Reporting in 2023 -
※ Education of Audit committee members -
Session 4 2023.08.09 ※ Report on Second Quarter 2023 Internal Audit performance -
※ Report on Second Quarter 2023 Financial performance -
※ External Auditor Reporting and communication -
Session 3 2023.05.10 No.1 : Appointment of the Chairman of the Audit Committee Approved
No.2 : Revision of regulations of compliance monitoring and internal control management Approved
※ Report on First Quarter 2023 Internal Audit performance -
※ Report on First Quarter 2023 Financial performance -
※ Report on status of structuring the consolidated Internal Control over Financial Reporting -
※ External Auditor Reporting and communication -
※ Evaluation of audit results by external auditor in 2022 -
Session 2 2023.02.22 No.1 : Review of 2022 Accounts settlement Approved
※ Operation status of Internal Control over Financial Reporting in 2022(Re-report) -
※ Results of support for assessment operation status of Internal Control over Financial Reporting in 2022(Additional Report) -
※ Operation plan of Internal Control over Financial Reporting in 2023 -
※ Report on structuring the consolidated Internal Control over Financial Reporting -
※ External Auditor Reporting and communication -
Session 1 2023.02.15 No.1 : Approval of 2023 Internal audit plan Approved
※ 2023 Audit Committee Meeting Plan -
※ Report on 2022 Internal Audit performance -
※ Report on operation status of Internal Control over financial reporting in 2022 -
※ Results of support for assessment operation status of Internal Control over financial reporting in 2022 -
Session 6 2022.11.09 ※ Report on the Introduction of subcontract bond trust contracts -
※ Report on Third Quarter 2022 Internal audit performance -
※ Report on Third Quarter 2022 Financial performance -
※ Report on support preparation for accounting firms related to the evaluation of operation status of Internal Control over financial reporting -
※ External Auditor Reporting and communication -
Session 5 2022.09.27 ※ Results of interim evaluation of Internal Control over financial reporting -
※ Education of Audit committee members -
Session 4 2022.08.10 No.1 : Appointment of the head of the internal control organization Approved
※ Report on Second Quarter 2022 Internal Audit performance -
※ Report on Second Quarter 2022 Financial performance -
※ Report on the results of inspection of funds-related task -
※ External Auditor Reporting and communication -
Session 3 2022.05.09 ※ Report on First Quarter 2022 Internal Audit performance -
※ Report on First Quarter 2021 Financial performance -
※ Report on the progress of structuring the consolidated Internal Control over financial reporting -
※ Report on compliance monitoring and ethical management education completion system -
※ External Auditor Reporting and communication -
※ Evaluation of audit results by external auditor in 2021 -
Session 2 2022.02.22 ※ Operation status of Internal Control over Financial Reporting in 2021(Re-report) -
※ Results of support for assessment operation status of Internal Control over Financial Reporting in 2021(Additional Report) -
※ Operation plan of Internal Control over Financial Reporting in 2022 -
※ External Auditor Reporting and communication -
※ Assessment operation status of Internal Control over Financial Reporting of the Audit Committee -
Session 1 2022.02.16 No.1 : Revision of regulations of compliance monitoring and internal control management Approved
No.2 : Approval of 2022 Internal Audit Plan Approved
※ 2022 Audit Committee Meeting Plan -
※ Report on 2021 Internal Audit performance -
※ Report on operation status of Internal Control over Financial Reporting in 2021 -
※ Results of support for assessment operation status of Internal Control over Financial Reporting in 2021 -
※ Enactment of regulations of compliance monitoring and internal control management -
※ Report on Directors And Officers Liability insurance -
※ Revision of legal risk regulations, Revision of operation regulations on compliance program, report on changes to compliance program manager -
Session 6 2021.11.10 ※ Report on Third Quarter 2021 Internal Audit performance -
※ Report on Third Quarter 2021 Financial performance -
※ External Auditor Reporting -
Session 5 2021.09.29 ※ Interim assessment of the report on the Audit Committee on Internal Control over Financial Reporting in 2020 -
※ Preparation of support for assessment operation status of Internal Control over Financial Reporting -
※ Audit Committee responsibilites and role education -
Session 4 2021.08.11 ※ Report on Second Quarter 2021 Internal Audit performance -
※ Report on ISO 37001 (Anti-Bribery Management System) Certification Plan -
※ Report on Second Quarter 2021 Operating Status of Internal Control over Financial Reporting -
※ Report on Second Quarter 2021 Financial performance -
※ External Auditor Reporting -
Session 3 2021.05.12 ※ Report on First Quarter 2021 Internal Audit performance -
※ ISO 37001 (Anti-Bribery Management System) Certification Plan -
※ Operating Status of Internal Control over Financial Reporting for Q1 2021 -
※ Report on First Quarter 2021 Financial performance -
※ Report on enactment and revision of Legal & Compliance Office's major regulations -
- Enactment of regulations of Internal Control over Financial Reporting Approved
- Enactment of regulations of compliance monitoring and internal control management Approved
※ Report on revision of the Audit Committee Regulations -
※ External Auditor Reporting -
Session 2 2021.03.16 - Appointment of external auditor Approved
Session 1 2021.01.27 - Appointment of the Chairman of the Audit Committee Approved
- Approval of 2021 Internal Audit Plan Approved
※ Report on 2021 Audit Committee Meeting Plan -
※ Report on 2021 Internal Control over Financial Reporting operation plan -