• Procuring a KRW
    100 Billion Win-Win Cooperation Fund
  • Top-Level
    Payment Conditions
    in the Industry
  • Adoption of Win-Win Payment System
    for the First Time
    in the Construction Industry
Procuring a KRW
100 Billion Win-Win Cooperation Fund
For win-win cooperation with our partner suppliers, we consolidate financial support by procuring KRW 100 billion.
  • We provide interest-free KRW 50 billion direct fund loans to partner suppliers suffering from difficulties due to the lack of operating capital.
  • By procuring win-win funds worth KRW 50 billion with financial institutions, we support our partner suppliers in receiving a preferential lending rate (1.3%).
Payment Conditions
in the Industry
With the improvement of payment conditions, we contribute to the solution of our partner suppliers’ funding difficulties and to the improvement of capital liquidity.
  • We have been paying subcontracting money every 10th of the month, which is considered the top level for subcontract money payment in the construction industry.
  • We pay in cash for fund liquidity improvement; thus maintaining 100% cash payment.
    * Trade receivables-secured loan without reimbursement claim right
Adoption of Win-Win Payment System
for the First Time
in the Construction Industry
We adopted the win-win payment system in all construction sites for the first time in Korea in 2014 so that the already performed portion payment paid to the primary partner suppliers can be properly paid to the secondary and tertiary partner suppliers.

We fully subsidize the transfer fee in the win-win payment system as the first construction company to do so to encourage the partner suppliers’ use of the win-win payment system.